Looking for a buyer.
Summary This 25-year-old company located in Northern Florida specializes in underground utilities, commercial site developments, and civil infrastructures such as excavations, earth, moving, demolitions, clearing, and concrete projects. Business also provides quality asphalt paving, roads, curbs, and sidewalks with a one-year warranty on labor. Revenues increased 170% in 2023 to $23.5 Million as their Adjusted EBITDA grew 190% to $10.4 Million! As of mid-2024 there’s $45M in WIP, $22.8 Million Sales, $8.4 Million Net, proving continued success. Over the past four years the business has experienced consistent evolution in both sales and profitability. With a diverse client base holding no concentration of sales, most of the work is in the commercial market by choice, yet the company is approved to work on government projects as well. Available for purchase, current workplace is a pairing of two prime facilities totaling 3,400-sq.ft. situated over 5.3 acres, that feature office rooms, a storage area for tools, plus an ample yard for vehicles and included construction equipment of over $10 Million! There are 100 nonunion employees, many of which have been there long-term, who will most likely remain post-purchase as owner is willing to stay on after transition if that is the Buyer’s preference.

listing type
exclusive representation
Florida, USA
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