Morning all,

I am new to the ETA space. I wanted to get the community's thoughts on franchises. I don't think I want to pursue franchisee model over the long term (reasons include inability to scale - territory driven; and royalty model), but was thinking that it can be a jump off point. Appreciate your thoughts.

1. I am speaking with an assisted living placement (for seniors) franchise in Virginia - seems like the revenue model is based on taking a commission on placement center's first month rent. Very small & flexible model. Thinking that this can be a jump off point for ETA.

2. Also, was speaking to a bakery franchise. Royalties based on gross sales and marketing. Really long operating hours###-###-#### hours). I have seen successes in certain markets, but the average franchisee would be akin to taking a salary/benefits working for a company. This would be a big investment, and longer duration.

How painful is the the resale process for franchisee businesses?