(There are several answers to this question, depending on who’s asking. In a few separate postings I’ll cover this topic on the basis of my own investments and 30+ years of training and guiding searchers to worthwhile done deals.)

[An answer.] The best business to buy is the kind of business for which you will immediately be the first choice of brokers, sellers, and owners.

Rethink your targeting and messaging if brokers and sellers don't eagerly pursue you.

Too many searchers don’t know how to position their messaging. It's vital to convincingly show how you will successfully migrate from what you've been doing in your career to what you want to do. Especially if your target businesses do not directly relate to your resume.

It's not enough to say "I can do it." Show supporting evidence. Upfront.

Register today for "Sharpen Your Search," my Oct 5, live, Zoom Q&A session on Searchfunder.