I have have 20 years as an operator, including as a CEO with a successful exit.

I am a currently a fundless sponsor who is both looking for deals and flexible capital. I will consider deals that don't fit into rigid boxes (e.g. $X amount of EBITDA).

My experience and focus is entirely around education and human capital management (HCM).

Some highlights below:

+Two time doubling of P&Ls organically ($26MM to $56MM and $32MM to $68MM)

+Rekindled growth in stagnant businesses

+Inherited unprofitable businesses and business lines and transformed them

+Deep experience in M&A

+Managed staff in excess of 100 spread across 12 countries, including offshore development

+Strength at scaling businesses to take them to the next level

+Strong pedigree (HBS, Group Chair of Education/HCM group within YPO)