I sold a few businesses. I would have done better if with this book was available years ago. This is meant for sellers but really powerful source for buyers too.

Chapter 4 What Buyers Want and Fear - You must memorize, and use on each acquisition, the 4 Pillars of Value; Risk, Growth, Transferability and Documentation.

Chapter on Add-Backs, Guess what, there are more add-backs you can take as a seller.

The chapter on Valuation, this is the really the biggest chasm between buyer and seller - all sellers should read this chapter 5 times.

The chapter on Structuring the deal, lots of creative ways to do this, the "Stability Payment" was completely new to me.

I like the anecdotal stories on Due Diligence- really, trust but verify. I am in the buying stage now and will use this as a checklist.

Well done Joe Valley