I’ve heard repeatedly that acquiring and operating SMBs can be a challenging and lonely road. But I also know that communities (like this one) can be incredibly helpful.
I wanted to reach out to see if anyone would be interested in joining an ETA/SMB Mastermind Collective. The exact structure and cadence would be TBD and decided based on demand, but roughly thinking:

  • Weekly or bi-weekly mastermind calls with groups of ~3-5 other searchers or owners matched based on a variety of criteria (industry, geography, company size, etc)
  • Community space (e.g. Slack or Facebook group) for asynchronous discussion
  • Monthly, community-wide fireside chats with leading SMB and hold co owners
  • Weekly or monthly introductions to other searchers or owners (again, based on a variety of criteria) not in your mastermind group
    If this sounds remotely interesting to you, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/LGY2CSGYYvzwsqCF9.