This may come across as a bit of a rant, but as an M&A Advisor over the past year or so there has been a significant increase in unfunded sponsors. This in and of itself is fine, but there's one other thing I've noticed and it needs to stop.

That is prospective buyers were wanting to schedule initial calls with the sellers before reviewing the provided confidential information provided in the VDR. This resulted in seller fatigue for two reasons; 1. There were too many buyer/seller calls/meetings being scheduled and 2. to be blunt STUPID questions were being asked.

To mitigate this I started requiring buyers to have a call with me first to cover high level questions or to provide more detail or perspective on provided information. That helped, but...

I just ended a call with a buyer who asked "Why are the owners selling?" This is provided in EVERY SINGLE public listing. Whenever I hear a buyer ask questions that are provided in the public listing they are essentially dead to me. If they ask questions that are answered in the FAQ's or VDR I ask if they have taken the time to review all of the provided information (and of course they haven't).

Business brokers and M&A Advisors do not work for buyers. We represent the seller and spend dozens of hours per listing in collecting and presenting relevant information. Dozens mnore collecting and providing additional information. Unprepared buyers waste incredible amounts of the intermediaries time having the same conversation over and over and over again with buyers who are too lazy to review what has already been produced and provided.

Don't expect the broker to do your initial DD.

Do your homework.