Looking for a buyer.
Established in 1997, this HVAC company located on Maui is known as the #1 refrigeration and air-conditioning company. Well known in the area for their excellent and prompt service and customer care, their excellent team consists of 16 employees, including trusted technicians, office staff, and installation managers. Due to the excellent reputation and efficient team, the owner of this successful HVAC company enjoys 3-4 months out of state each year! The business’s services are equally split between equipment service and installation. Their client base is made up of 90% commercial clients including condos, shopping centers, restaurants, and office buildings. They also service premium private residents. While the business had a small dip in revenue in 2020 due to covid, with a gross revenue of $4.8M in 2021 this business has already beat their pre-pandemic numbers and 2022 has continued to show growth and is expected to have a revenue of $5.2M. Having been in business for over 20 years, the owner has been able to train personnel to manage the business in his absence for 3-4 months per year and his current responsibilities consist of financial oversite and general management. To show vested interest in the business and assist with a smooth transition of ownership, the owner has offered a 1-year training period. Operations are managed from a large 6,000 square feet location in the Kahului area. The office has 2,000 square feet of space and the remaining 4,000 square feet is dedicated to their warehouse and sheet metal shop. Priced at $2,850,000, there is tremendous growth potential for a new owner. The company does almost no marketing; their only advertisement efforts being from their website and ads on their trucks. Over the years, all of their business has come from word of mouth due to the excellent service provided. A 12.5% down payment of $356,250 returns $410,069 in the first year after debt payments – a 115% return on investment! The current owner has also offered a 12.5% equity roll or financing to demonstrate his faith and continued investment in the success of the business.

listing type
exclusive representation
Hawaii, USA
proposed price
owner financing
SBA eligibility
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