Just had a quick/random conversation with an owner of an online bookkeeping and accounting services company located in British Columbia. Biggest stipulation/requirement is the seller's desire for the acquirer to have a local presence in BC and be a CPA. (I miss the mark on both of those). Happy to partner with someone on this one if it makes sense and of interest.
$1.5M rev/yr (Expecting a Valuation of $1.5-$2M) $400k SDE Fixed monthly fee-based Revenue
Majority of clients are local. 18-year-old Company 12 FTEs, 6-8 PT

Seller is mid-60s and looking to sell to A) focus on another business of his and B) start to position towards retirement
Takes about 12 weeks vacation/year Seller does not have a very direct relationship with clients

Growth Opportunity: Add relationship person(s) in Toronto or areas of expansion Scalability potential – services/presence could be "replicated" in any major market Canada or US

If of interest, feel free to let me know.