Due to Covid, it's been 4 years since the last International Search Fund Conference at IESE and everybody in the industry wants to be there.

Hope you all grabbed your tickets with time, since currently they are all gone out.

The Conference is a great opportunity to meet investors and searchers in a short period of time, an opportunity to fundraise for the search or for acquisition, an opportunity to learn from others' experiences...

I will be there! Will you?

If you want to stay tuned for next events, I suggest you sign in here:

https://apply.iese.edu/###-###-#### /?_gl=11a3cnuq_gaMTIyNjUzNzE0Ni4xNjU4ODU1Njg5_ga_NGY5Z5ZR90MTY2MzQxNDU4NC40LjAuMTY2MzQxNDU4NC4wLjAuMA.._ga_JXBD129HST*MTY2MzQxNDU4NS40LjAuMTY2MzQxNDU4NS4wLjAuMA..